“If you’re looking for something lovely, you’ll find it. And, if you’re looking for something evil, you’ll find that too.” ~ John Brunt

I’m back! The quote above is from someone who gave a talk today. He’s an acquaintance and very beautiful to look at. That’s side tracking. So I’ve been thinking a lot about how to treat people. Everyone in this world has flaws…plenty of them. Everyone has enormous potential…to become perfect. So, we treat people as if they are their potential. At the same time, forgive them when they fail (because we all do) and hope that someone will be merciful to you when you fail. Seek for that which is lovely for someone and encourage them to continue to develop those beautiful qualities. Avoid staring at flaws, because they’re only going to get larger that way.

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One response to ““If you’re looking for something lovely, you’ll find it. And, if you’re looking for something evil, you’ll find that too.” ~ John Brunt

  1. Kellianne

    Amen to that!

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