“Happy finals week to you!” ~ Mom and Dad

Random love attacks are the BEST! They’re unexpected and sudden and that makes them the most noteworthy, simply because they kinda come at you when you don’t expect it. It’s been one of those days where I’m really tired and I’m a bit overwhelmed by my giant assignments and upcoming tests. Well, unbeknownst to me, my dad had bought me a “finals week survival package” and it came today. I was in the middle of my nap when my mother woke me up, brought me downstairs in which my dad began to sing (and my mother joined in) “happy finals week to you!” in the birthday song tune. I was half awake at the time, but they gave me a hug and handed me the bag full of goodies and sent me back to my nap. When I fully awoke, I went downstairs and hugged them. Seriously, how can I not survive finals week with that package? So anyway, I’m thinking of maybe randomly love attacking somenoe in the neighborhood in the next few days. It should be fun!

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One response to ““Happy finals week to you!” ~ Mom and Dad

  1. Ann Barlow

    That’s so awesome!! How sweet 🙂

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